How to Make Theatre During a Pandemic

Here’s a shot of the genius crew I get to remotely work with to make THE HOUSE OF THE NEGRO INSANE a reality. Despite the world premiere of the play being pushed back to 2021 (yes, I’m hopeful that society won’t completely collapse before then), CATF is moving ahead with the design phase, and something* will possibly happen this year.

Clockwise from top left: Tamilla Woodard, director; me; Johnathan Alexander, lighting design; Sharath Patel, sound design; Claire DeLiso, set design; Shane Ballard, costume design.

This is one of the most exciting times in the process for me, as the play officially moves out of my head and other folks start to shape the look, sound and feel of the production.

* I’m not sure what kind of something CATF has in the works for this year yet, but as soon as I can spoil whatever they’re scheming I will…